4.6.3 Electromagnetic interference. When specified (see 6.2), the switch shall be tested for electromagnetic
interference (EMI) in accordance with MIL-STD-461.
4.6.4 Conducted emissions. The switch shall be tested for conducted emissions in accordance with MIL-STD-
461, procedures CE101 and CE102. The upper limit of procedure CE101 shall be extended to 20 KHz.
4.6.5 Conducted susceptibility. The switch shall be tested for conducted susceptibility in accordance with
MIL-STD-461, procedures CS101, CS114, and CS116.
4.6.6 Conducted susceptibility, spikes, power leads. The switch power leads, including grounds and neutrals,
which are not grounded internally to the equipment, and interconnecting control leads, which provide power to the
switch, shall be tested. The switch shall not exhibit any malfunction, degradation of performance, or deviation from
specified indications, beyond the tolerances indicated when the test spike, having the waveform shown on Figure 1,
is applied to the power leads for a period of time not less than 1 minute at each phase position and for a total test
period not exceeding 15 minutes in duration. The values of E( ) and t( ) are given below. The spike shall be
superimposed on the power line voltage waveform.
Spike E1 = 400 volts; t1 = 5 microseconds ±20%
FIGURE 1. Acceptable wave shape for conducted susceptibility, spikes, power leads.
4.6.7 Radiated emissions, AC magnetic field. The switch shall be tested for radiated emission, AC magnetic
field in accordance with MIL-STD-461, procedure RE101.
4.6.8 Radiated emissions, AC electric field. The switch shall be tested for radiated emissions, AC electric field
in accordance with MIL-STD-461, procedure RE102.
4.6.9 Radiated susceptibility, AC magnetic field. The switch shall be tested for radiated susceptibility, AC
magnetic field in accordance with MIL-STD-461, procedure RS101.
4.6.10 Radiated susceptibility, DC magnetic field. The switch shall be tested for radiated susceptibility, DC
magnetic field in accordance with DOD-STD-1399-070-1.
4.6.11 Radiated susceptibility, AC electric field. The switch shall be tested for radiated susceptibility, AC
electric field in accordance with MIL-STD-461, procedure RS103.
4.6.12 Radiated susceptibility, magnetic and electric fields, spikes and power frequencies. Spike. The switch shall not exhibit any malfunction, degradation of performance, or deviation from
specified indications when subjected to the test spike having a wave form as shown in Figure 2. The values of E1
and t1 are as follows:
Spike E1 = 400 volts; t1 = 5 microseconds ±20%
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