Table XIX. Application stress limits and derating factor for rectifiers, SCRs 1/, GTOs 1/, bipolar transistors, and
IGBTs 2/ Continued.
Stress factor limit in
relation to rating factor
Rating factor
Stress factor
Transistors, field effect (Continued)
Drain to gate voltage
(a) DC
0.5 VDGR
Drain to gate voltage with RGS = 1
(b) Nominal working
0.6 VDGR
(c) Repetitive peak
0.7 VDGR
(d) Non-repetitive
0.8 VDGR
Average drain current, active or on-state mode, ID
(a) Nominal value
0.6 IDon
Average drain current at rated Tj(max)
for the application waveform,
(b) Maximum value
0.8 IDon
conduction angle or period, duty
cycle, frequency, and drain to source
on-state resistance.
Gate to source voltage, VGS
0.7 VGS
Gate to source voltage
Minimum duration of gate controlled turn-
---(td,off + tf)
Turn-off cutoff time or body-drain
off signal
diode reverse recovery time during
turn-off at rated Tj(max) whichever is
Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR). Gate-turn-off (switches) (GTO).
See IEEE 1662 for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) derating values. Microcircuit derating. Unless otherwise specified in the equipment specifications (see 6.2),
microcircuits shall be mounted according to manufacturer's requirements and applied so that the maximum ambient
operating temperature will be derated to a value less than the maximum operating ambient temperature given by the
manufacturer's data sheet. That temperature difference, or derating value, shall be 27 °F (15 °C). For example,
maximum operating ambient temperature on manufacturer's data sheet lists 140 °F (60 °C). The derating value
would be 140 27 = 113 °F (60 15 = 45 °C). Standard parts. All parts selected as specified in 3.13.1 shall be considered standard parts. Non-standard parts. Use of non-standard parts shall require NAVSEA approval. Matched parts selection. If matched parts are required for proper performance of the equipment, the
matched parts shall be treated as non-standard parts. Sets of matched parts shall be identified by a unique part
number and packaged so that the set can be removed, acquired, and replaced as a subassembly. Replacement and interchangeability. Unless otherwise specified in the individual equipment
specification (see 6.2), parts shall be individually replaceable. Parts as delineated and specified herein are
interchangeable items as defined by MIL-HDBK-505. They shall possess both mechanical and electrical
compatibility to permit their installation and replacement without regard to manufacturer, contractor, or special
selections (see 3.2.5).
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